Every day people ask us how they can get involved with local activities while they are on vacation. One of the best ways is to join a beach clean up. International Coastal Clean-Up Day is September 15, but Kay Tours in Playa makes beach clean-up day a monthly event.
Clean beach = healthier seas
The Ocean Conservancy says, over 12 million people picked up more than 220 million pounds of trash in the last 30 years. And the problem goes deeper… Scientists estimate that more than 8 million metric tons of plastic is entering our ocean every year. If we don’t act now, there could be a pound of plastic for every 3 pounds of fish in the ocean within the next decade.

How you can weigh-in
You can help make a difference by teaming up with Kay Tours in Playa del Carmen to clean up a section of beach. The clean up is the first Sunday of every month. Everyone meets at the end of Constituyentes Avenue at the beach by the dock, see map below. The clean up starts at 8:30 am, and it is 100% family friendly so bring your kids. You may also want to bring sunblock, gloves and drinking water, preferably not in plastic bottles. Visit the event details on Facebook
We asked Kay Tours owner, Kay Honig, what suggestions he has for guests visiting the area when it comes to keeping the beach clean.
Tips for a cleaner beach
When ordering a drink from a hotel or restaurant, ask for your beverage without a straw.
If smoking, ask for an ashtray, and never throw away cigarette butts.
Bring reusable cups instead of bringing a disposable coffee cup, water bottle, or plastic cup.
Don’t bring plastic bags to the beach. Always use reusable shopping bags or coolers.
Take your trash with you instead of leaving it nearby the beach.
When walking along the beach, pick up any trash you see.
If you’re having a bonfire on the beach, never burn trash, especially plastic.
Pick up your pets’ waste.
Contact our concierge Paulina at concierge@locogringo.com if you would like more information or have questions.