Locogringo knows that travelers are constantly looking for the best deal available when looking for accommodations in Riviera Maya. Of course, Locogringo is also aware that sacrificing quality is not necessarily what our travelers want when booking a vacation in a foreign country. Here are two easy ways to spend less on your upcoming trip to Akumal.
Skip The Extra Fees And Book Direct
Yes, about a decade ago when platforms such as Airbnb and Vrbo started gaining traction travelers were led to believe they would be getting the best price in town. Of course, that may have been the case if you were indeed booking someone’s extra space. However, Airbnb and Vrbo users have found out the hard way that vacation rentals booked through these websites incurred additional service fees or excessive cancellation fees. The best way to avoid these extra charges is to book directly with professional websites that manage and work directly with owners such as Akumal Direct and Locogringo.
Plan Ahead!
One thing travelers who like to get the best value for their money while enjoying their vacation at the most sought-after properties book at least 4 months in advance. Akumal is a beloved destination because it is a small family-oriented beach town and so availability is limited. Especially, when looking for large multifamily venues for the holiday season. Booking a property for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s more than a year in advance is not at all uncommon in Riviera Maya. Doing so not only ensures guests get to pick the property they most want but they also get to save as rates do change every year.
Get Started Now
Don’t wait until the last minute to find out the vacation rental you most want is no longer available. Our team of local experts is here to help you find the very best rate and property you want. Contact us today and we’ll gladly help you find the vacation rentals you need for your upcoming trip.